"Pop of colour" exhibition starts from 22nd of February to 22nd of March, aims to celebrate Spring and the colours which exist all around us. We have selected some stunning works by our fantastic resident artists, Enrico Cecotto,  Felix Feltrin and Fringe.


Enrico Cecotto is currently evolving his art to the sea creatures, in particular the sharks. Thanks to his hometown, he has always been in close contact with the fascinating marine nature that right now is developing his way of making art. For Enrico, the dark and hidden aspects of the shark represent the message: Movement is essential for the everyday life and survival of sharks; Enrico's work is an exploration of the analogue and metaphor between human movement and shark movement.


Felix Feltrin's open-mindedness shows in his works as well, as his style could be considered eclectic and kaleidoscopic. Through his visual works, he shares a lot of energy with the audience, using colours and images to create a very kinetic visual style that speaks to the audience on a deeper level.


Fringe shifted his focus to art production, experimenting with notions of objectivity and subjectivity within the confines of the gallery space in 2013. In 2015, after more than a decade of success in advertising, Fringe moved to New York to absorb an alternate train of thought. With a newfound understanding of the importance of communication through street art, in 2016 he returned to South Africa to begin creating unique artworks based on pop symbols, advertising campaigns and graffiti techniques.