Felix Feltrin is a visual artist with a fondness for abstract expressionism. 


He was born Ricardo Feltrin, and ever since he was very young, he’s been passionate about art in every shape or form. He loves the freedom and spirit of adventure of being creative, as well as the opportunity to share his diverse background through his work. Felix speaks five languages fluently, and he has got Dominican and Italian roots. He was raised in Italy, and he also experiences life in other places, such as Austria, Brazil, and the United States of America.   


This talented artist has his own philosophy: going strong and being yourself, no matter what. He’s been embracing a different mindset throughout his entire life, but this doesn’t mean he shut people off. On the contrary, he is always keen to meet others and learn from them, especially when diving deeper into different cultures.    


Felix’s open-mindedness shows into his works as well, as his style could be considered eclectic and kaleidoscopic.  


Through his visual works, he shares a lot of energy with the audience, using colors and images to create a very kinetic visual style that speaks to the audience on a deeper level. The artist is currently based in Austria, but he has got strong ties with the art scene in Miami, Florida.